Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My favorite time of year!!!

I am so glad that spring has finally decided to come around the corner, although it's been more like a lion than a lamb. Just this week we've had some really beautiful days (accompanied by really beautiful sunburns on yours truly) and I'm totally soaking it up! I took a short break over Easter to just get some R&R and spend some really great, quality time with my family! We got our garden started, which is just SO exciting for me!!! I love being able to go out there and grab what I need! We have all of our cold-weather veggies in.

My baby swiss chard, broccoli (2 varieties), lettuce, spinach, oregano, and asparagas!!! Apparently with the asparagas, you're not supposed to pick it the first year so that you'll have more the following year. I guess if you pick it the first year you plant it, the only crop that will come up next year are the stalks you did not pick the previous year. So hopefully this way, we'll have a great crop next year. Although I may have to pick just one! ;)


While at the nursery, I picked up some pansies for my flower boxes. I must admit that last year, I was pretty lazy at the end of the year. I never cleaned out the boxes. I just left all the dirt and all of the drying flowers in there. Omgosh I'm embarrassed to admit that. LOL! So Brett dug them out from under our deck and put them on the holders this year, dirt and dead plants still in there. That's more embarrassing, but I must admit I didn't even notice that he'd done it. He told me that we had pansies sprouting. I thought he was crazy because they're an annual flower and we needed to plant more. Well wouldn't you know that all of the flowers had gone to seed and because we'd left them in the boxes, they started growing again! I have about 20 plants sprouting now! Luckily I had only bought 2 6-packs at the nursery, so I'll need to use them elsewhere.

You see friends, sometimes laziness really does pay off! However, I'd really rather call it lack of time. Yes, that's what we're going say instead! Sounds much better.


Since the weather has been so beautiful, I decided to tackle a diy project. My lovely neighbor gave me some small shelves that she needed to get rid of (yes I took some garbage, than you very much). The size is just perfect to store all of the packaged clothing that is ready to ship! I have some many small things and it would really neaten (not really a verb???) up my work space. They were originally white, but I decided to paint them a Robin's egg blue and then cover the backs with fabric. Luckily, I had some handy little helpers to do some of the dirty work... and let me tell you, with all the rain we've gotten, my littlest helper sure was DIRTY!


Handy Helper #1:

Handy Helper #2:

Handy Helper #3 who had more fun playing in the mud than in the paint:

I'll be posting pics of the whole project as soon as it's finished... which it's not... because I..... ran out of time. :P

1 comment:

Carrie Carbaugh said...

You sound like a really cool chick! I love gardening too. Originally we didn't feel like planting veggies this year but after reading your post, I think that I have changed my mind!! I love your clothing creations too. We started a cupcake business and want to get our little girls into some outfits with cupcakes on them to decorate our future store. I will contact you about that soon!!

Carrie Carbaugh