Friday, May 21, 2010

Because I know you like my garden....

We planted 11 tomato plants, 6 pepper plants, one pumpkin, two sunflower seed plants, and some herbs last night! We still have a few things to put in, but our seedlets aren't quite big enough yet.

Hardworking Hubby:

Hayden helping Daddy (in other words, telling Daddy how to do things..... oh three year old, how I love you...)


I harvested a ton of our swiss chard and spinach yesterday after I posted. It looks so empty in those rows now! The broccoli plants look gigantic.


Daddy apparently did something right!

Because if he didn't, this ornery kidlet would for sure call him on it...

Hayden didn't help most of the time. Both he and Ava were busy playing on the playset. We didn't come inside until 8:30 and the kids were so worn out that we didn't hear a peep out of them at bedtime. That's one of the things that I absolutely LOVE about summer. I can't wait until the pool is open! The kids have so much fun outside.


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